An investigation of the development, progression and retention of public health researchers.
Researching issues of health and illness
An investigation of the development, progression and retention of public health researchers.
Dr Russell was the principal evaluator of a Community Building Demonstration Project ‘Proud to Participate’.
Dr Russell was part of a team that undertook an analysis of quantitative data investigating serious adverse events in a public hospital.
Dr Russell was commissioned to write papers for PHA newsletter: “Evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions: getting the numbers and getting them noticed” and “Refugee health: a public health response”.
Dr Russell was commissioned to write a research paper on patients’ non-compliance to medical treatments.
Dr Russell was part of a team that developed an implementation strategy for evidence-based, best practice clinical practice guidelines for general practice.
Dr Russell evaluated a Community Regional Arts for Youth Program for youth at risk in Western suburbs of Melbourne.
Dr Russell evaluated the role of the clinical nurse consultant in improving patients’ outcomes after discharge from ICU.